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Impacted Canines Surgical Treatment

Child smiling and showing teeth at San Tan Oral Surgery in Gilbert, AZ.An impacted tooth is one that gets blocked from erupting through the gum.
Canines are single-rooted, pointed teeth found on each side of the front incisors on the top and bottom jaws.

Canines are major biting teeth that are vital for dental function. The prime functions of canines include:

•  Tearing and biting food
•  Supporting teeth into proper bite alignment
•  Preventing neighboring teeth from unhealthy contact with each other
•  Making your smile look pleasing

Canines usually show up when you are 13 years old and help close the gaps in your upper front teeth. An impacted canine simply implies that it is stuck and unable to fully emerge.

Symptoms of Impacted Canines

At times, there are no obvious symptoms and the impaction is discovered after a routine X-ray by your dentist. Nevertheless, some signs of an impacted canine include:

•  Swollen, red, or bleeding gums
•  Bad taste inside your mouth
•  Bad breath
•  Trouble opening your mouth properly
•  Pain when opening your mouth, biting, or chewing

Surgical Treatment For Impacted Canines

If your canine is unable to erupt properly, surgical treatment may be required to fix the issue. Your dentist will conduct an oral examination and examine the radiographs to analyze the position of the impacted tooth.

The most common treatment method is to attach braces to the teeth, especially the upper arch. This way, space is created to allow the impacted tooth to erupt in its proper position. The dentist would then surgically expose the tooth to maneuver it toward the right position inside the jaw.

Impaction Near the Palate

Surgical exposure is achieved using different procedures. If the impaction is near the palate, the dentist has two options. The first option involves exposing the tooth to help it emerge on its own.

Once the surgery is complete, an oral dressing may be placed over the site to facilitate healing. This way, the tooth will erupt until it is at the level of the surrounding teeth. After this, braces may be used to align the teeth.

The second option involves exposing the tooth and then fixing an orthodontic bracket either during surgery or immediately after it to reposition the tooth at the level of the surrounding teeth.

Impaction Towards the Outer Part of the Upper Jaw

In this case, three major treatment options are available for the dentist. In the first option, your tooth would be exposed and gum repositioned. This is done in order to leave a part of the crown exposed. An orthodontic bracket will then be placed to help the tooth move towards its proper position.

The second option is a closed technique where the dentist would expose your tooth, attach an orthodontic bracket, and then reposition the gums. Only the orthodontic wire would be seen through the gums as the tooth is maneuvered into position.

The third option involves making a window through the gums to the tooth surface. A bracket would then be fixed to help the tooth acquire its proper place. A gum graft may also be performed at the base of the tooth to replace any missing gum tissue.

If you experience any discomfort after surgery, you can take over-the-counter pain relievers to manage it.

If you suspect an impacted canine, schedule an appointment with us at San Tan Oral Surgery by calling us at (480) 604-2592 today.

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Office hours

Mon, Tue, Thur: 8:00am to 5:00pm
Wed: By Appointment
Fri: 8:00am to 3:00pm

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Impacted Canines • Gilbert, AZ • San Tan Oral Surgery
An impacted canine simply implies it is stuck and unable to fully emerge. Canines are vital for dental function. Call San Tan Oral Surgery to learn more!
San Tan Oral Surgery, 3303 S. Lindsay Rd. Suite 112, Gilbert, AZ 85297-2100 + (480) 604-2592 + + 2/7/2025 + Key Phrases: Dental Implants Gilbert AZ +