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Female patient smiling from dental chairAll across the country, people are searching for remedies to correct common cosmetic signs of aging such as skin laxity and wrinkles. While surgery offers many benefits, the degree of invasiveness, extended downtime, and possible side effects can be deterring. With the advancements in aesthetic technology, surgery isn’t the only means of restoring youthfulness in the skin. SmoothLase is a breakthrough non-surgical treatment that is approved by the FDA to safely and effectively correct skin laxity, fine lines, and wrinkles to promote a younger-looking appeal.

San Tan Oral Surgery offers superior cosmetic treatments including SmoothLase for all our patients in the greater Gilbert, Arizona area seeking non-surgical rejuvenation. We are excited to help your aesthetic vision become reality. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation and discover if this treatment may be right for your cosmetic needs.

What is SmoothLase?

SmoothLase is an advanced laser technology that can harness the body’s natural rejuvenating capabilities to counteract the effects of time on the skin.

As we age, levels of collagen and elastin – two key proteins in the skin – gradually decline, making our skin less elastic to the effects of gravity and frequent muscle contraction. The SmoothLase device delivers laser light toward targeted treatment areas to carefully stimulate the skin’s production of elastin and collagen, tightening skin on a cellular level. What distincts this system from others is that it works from within the mouth, promoting collagen renewal and rejuvenating the skin across the mouth, lips, chin, jawline, and cheeks.

How many SmoothLase treatments will I need?

Each of our patients will have very distinctive aesthetic goals in mind for this treatment. We want to be sure we help you achieve yours! During your initial appointment, our specialists will discuss your cosmetic objectives with you while evaluating your areas of concern. From there, we can customize a treatment plan to help you get the best possible results. Since results may not be immediately evident, several treatments may be in order. Ultimately, results will vary from person to person.

Is SmoothLase right for me?

SmoothLase may be the right choice for you if you are interested in a non-invasive treatment to correct facial fine lines, wrinkles, and skin laxity. Our team can decide if this treatment may be right for you following an assessment of your cosmetic concerns and medical history.

Don’t let aging keep you from feeling comfortable behind your skin. Contact us today and schedule your consultation to find out if SmoothLase may be your key to unlocking youthful skin!
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Office hours

Mon, Tue, Thur: 8:00am to 5:00pm
Wed: By Appointment
Fri: 8:00am to 3:00pm

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San Tan Oral Surgery, 3303 S. Lindsay Rd. Suite 112, Gilbert, AZ 85297-2100 | (480) 604-2592 | | 2/7/2025 | Tags: Dental Implants Gilbert AZ |