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Do You Need Jaw Surgery

Posted on 2/7/2022 by San Tan Oral Surgery
Do You Need Jaw SurgeryThere are many reasons why a patient is advised to undergo orthognathic or jaw surgery. The main reasons include the improvement of facial symmetry and the jawline. Some patients need jaw surgery as a medical necessity to mitigate various complications causing the deterioration of oral health. For patients with conditions that severely impede jaw function, jaw surgery is among the recommended viable treatment solutions. If you are not certain if jaw surgery is the best treatment option, it is advisable to consult a dental practitioner to determine the required procedure. Some of the patients in need of jaw surgery include:

Improper Bite Due to Bone Structure

Dentists usually recommend tooth extraction, retainers, or braces as the first treatment options for improper bite or malocclusions. However, for patients suffering from severe malocclusions and misaligned teeth due to the structure of the jaw bone, then surgery comes in as a last resort in correcting associated problems such as overbites, crossbites, underbites, and open bites.

Receding, Protruding, or Asymmetrical Jawline

There are a lot of complications that arise when the lower and upper jaw don't align; this results in over development of the jaw in some areas. This can result in several complications, including mandibular hypoplasia, maxillary hypoplasia, and an asymmetrical jawline. Jaw surgery is recommended for patients with a fully developed jaw and not young patients whose jaw is still growing like children.

Facial Trauma

Surgery is the best restoration procedure if you damage your teeth or break your jaw in a car accident, sporting activity, or another traumatic event. Jaw surgery helps in restoring symmetrical face shape and jaw function.

These are some of the common conditions addressed by jaw surgery, and depending on the type of surgery recommended, it determines the downtime after surgery. Don't suffer from jaw-related problems; consult an expert and get things right.
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