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What Should I Expect From a Tooth Extraction Appointment?

Posted on 10/25/2020 by San Tan Oral Surgery
	loose tooth, missing tooth, extractions, single tooth,When all reparative treatments are exhausted, tooth extraction is often the solution for deeply damaged teeth. While it may sound intimidating, removing a tooth isn’t the scary, painful process many are lead to believe. You can put those fears at ease when you choose San Tan Oral Surgery of Gilbert, Arizona. We pride ourselves on providing a comfortable, efficient experience.

What Should I Expect From a Tooth Extraction Appointment?

A Personalized Treatment Plan
When you visit San Tan Oral Surgery for your tooth extraction, our lead oral surgeon, Dr. Colson, will begin by creating a personalized treatment plan. This begins with a full x-ray of the oral cavity to reveal the nature of the affected tooth. There several factors that can affect the extraction, including the positioning of new teeth or an infection.

With the results of your x-rays, we can determine the best approach for removal based on the positioning of the tooth and other potential variables. Our oral surgeon will review your x-rays with you and explain the determined strategy. If the nature of your treatment does not allow the extraction to take place the same day, a date will be scheduled in addition to any other necessary preparations.

Before the Treatment
Depending on the nature of the treatment and the specific instructions given at your consultation, the way you must prepare may differ. However, it’s safe to say arriving with clean teeth, brushed, and flossed is good practice. If local anesthesia or an injected numbing agent, such as novocaine, will be used, you may eat a light meal first. If Dr. Colson has prescribed any pre-operation medication, be certain to follow their specific instructions.

We recommend that you dress comfortably and warmly to avoid discomfort or chill during the treatment. A clear schedule for rest and recuperation is also highly recommended post-extraction. You should not drive yourself to the appointment if local anesthesia or any other performance impairing medication is to be used. Consider making plans with a friend or relative for an escort home.

How Tooth Extraction Works
Once we’ve received you and you have been checked in with our receptionist, if applicable, the anesthesiologist will treat you with local anesthesia. Novacaine may be injected in addition to or in place of local anesthesia. Both take time to set in and fully remove feeling from the treatment area. This ensures optimal patient comfort and a smooth procedure. Once the appropriate time has passed, we will begin treatment.

In a simple extraction, the tooth is first loosened with a special tool called an elevator. Another instrument called forceps is then used to remove the tooth. A surgical procedure may be needed in more severe cases, such as a tooth breaking off in the gums. During the procedure, a small incision is made within the gum to successfully remove the tooth. Local anesthetic and novocaine prevent any feeling beyond light pressure.

We then clean any debris that may remain from the tooth cavity and disinfect it carefully. If necessary, stitches are used to close the gum incision. Gauze is pressed to the wound, held in place by the jaw to staunch the bleeding. After that, it’s over. You may find that the treatment or procedure itself is actually much faster than the preparation prior. All that you will have to focus on now is healing well.

Post-Extraction Healing
Detailed instructions will be provided by Dr. Colson following your tooth extraction. If any post-treatment medication is prescribed by the doctor, be certain to follow these instructions carefully, as well. Typically, following an extraction, a few dietary guidelines must be followed to prevent complications such as excessive bleeding, infection, or dry socket. Following these aftercare instructions to ensures optimal healing results.

Best Practices for Healing Well
While you may not feel it yet, your body is experiencing trauma from the removal and needs rest. After the first day, resume normal activities but remember to let yourself relax. While you may not feel pain, you may feel tired and should listen to your body.

Stay hydrated. You cannot heal effectively unless you take care to stay hydrated. Drink only water for the first 24 hours, and remember to avoid soft drinks entirely, as the carbonation can irritate the wound, especially around the stitches. Do not use a straw for at least a week, as the sucking action can cause the blood clot to dislodge from the socket. Consider replacing soft drinks with black tea, a natural clotting agent.

Eat soft foods like yogurt and applesauce, though many have trouble maintaining an appetite for the first 24 hours. Only begin eating semi-soft foods when you can tolerate them. Avoid tough and chewy foods. Hot and spicy foods or small, sharp foods can irritate the area.

Post-Treatment Check In
Depending on the nature of your treatment, we may need to schedule a follow-up visit. We’ll let you know and help you schedule a follow-up treatment at the right time.

Contact Us to Learn More

If you are searching for an exceptional dentist for you and your loved ones, or are interested in learning more about extractions and oral care, reach out to the professionals here at San Tan Oral Surgery of Gilbert, Arizona to speak to one of our caring specialists. Contact us today and schedule your consultation to reach a beautiful and healthy smile!
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Mon, Tue, Thur: 8:00am to 5:00pm
Wed: By Appointment
Fri: 8:00am to 3:00pm

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